It's hard to believe school is out and we are in summer vacation mode! Time for Kids Give Back and fun in the sun! Just a reminder that our week for Kids Give Back is quickly approaching: July 18th - 22nd. If you haven't already registered please check out the following website: and register for the summer camp.
Sunday Community Classes and Grace Kids Worship have ended for the summer! Thanks to the wonderful team of teachers and leaders who helped this past school year. We know it won't be long until we start back up again with classes, but take time and enjoy the break.
Found this fun devotion you could do with your kiddos from the following website: Who doesn't like to play in the water???
Walking on Water
You'll need two hoses hooked up and ready to go. Shoot the hoses toward each other, forming a "water bridge." Perform these "walking on water" feats.
- Challenge kids to step onto a 1-foot-high water bridge with both feet.
- Form a 5-foot-high arc of water and have kids walk under it.
- Form a 1-foot-high bridge for kids to step over.
Afterward, ask: Why couldn't you walk on the water bridge, even though you could go over it or under it?
Read aloud Matthew 14:25-32. Ask: What do you think it took for Peter to walk out to Jesus? What has Jesus asked you to do that seems impossible?
Say: Peter had to keep his attention on Jesus to do what Jesus asked. We need to keep our attention on Jesus too! How can you do that this week? Once children have answered, squirt all of them.