Check out the following youtube link for the song we will be singing on Sunday as we observe Palm Sunday. Children will be waving palm branches while singing. Yes - they can still do the arm motions while holding palm branches for the chorus:
Who is this King of Glory
The Lord Strong and Mighty
King of Glory by Chris Tomlin
Walk His Ways Lent Lessons - The concluding Lent lesson was this past Sunday when children listened to the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15:8-10). We discussed the questions: Do we ever get lost from God? Does He lose us or do we lose him? How do we find God? Then each child made a prayer cube. We talked to the children about why we pray. Please encourage your children to use their prayer cubes as a reminder for daily prayer. We made simple cubes where they wrote the letters P, R, A, Y around the cube and then added a cross or heart on the top and bottom along with their names.
Before the lesson the children all had a chance to share prayer requests and add to a large poster titled PRAY. I wanted to share some of their responses: heal boo boos, patience, thank you, sick people to get better, forgiveness, happiness, meet goals, to be good, health, and family.
Grace Kids singing King of Glory
PALM BRANCHES - They will be available this coming Sunday following the service for each family. Each child in the family may take a palm branch home with them. Check out the following link for directions on how to make a cross with the palm branch.
Walk His Ways Lent Lessons - The concluding Lent lesson was this past Sunday when children listened to the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15:8-10). We discussed the questions: Do we ever get lost from God? Does He lose us or do we lose him? How do we find God? Then each child made a prayer cube. We talked to the children about why we pray. Please encourage your children to use their prayer cubes as a reminder for daily prayer. We made simple cubes where they wrote the letters P, R, A, Y around the cube and then added a cross or heart on the top and bottom along with their names.
Before the lesson the children all had a chance to share prayer requests and add to a large poster titled PRAY. I wanted to share some of their responses: heal boo boos, patience, thank you, sick people to get better, forgiveness, happiness, meet goals, to be good, health, and family.
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