We have continued to teach the catechisms this summer to the children. Beginning September 9th we will move children who are rising Kindergartens up to the Elementary Class. We will also bring in children who will be 4 years old by summer of 2013 to the Preschool Class. Since classes will change we will go back and review catechism questions. This will give the children who are entering a chance to learn the catechism questions and the current students a chance to review. As always children work at their own pace with their catechism questions. We instruct them all together but they are asked weekly the catechism questions. The teacher marks in each child's journal the answers they have learned and a slip is sent home for the parents.
Children in the preschool class will be instructed on catechism questions 33 - 42 during the month of August. Children in the elementary class will be instructed on catechism questions 111- 121 this month.
Each week in children's worship there is instruction on new catechism questions and an opportunity to review the past catechism questions. All children should have their own copy of the booklet: First Catechism Teaching Children Bible Truths - Great Commission Publications. Children entering for the first time this fall will receive their booklets at the end of this month along with their Grace Kids Backpacks.
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