This coming Sunday children have an opportunity to recite memory verses for the month of May to their teachers. Check out the following link for The Scoop. On this newsletter you will find the memory verses for May: May/June Newsletter
Reminder that one of our youngest classes (preschoolers) have been working on learning all of Psalm 23. The Jesus Storybook Bible has an excellent paraphrase of Psalm 23:
The Good Shepherd on pp. 130 - 135
Reminder that one of our youngest classes (preschoolers) have been working on learning all of Psalm 23. The Jesus Storybook Bible has an excellent paraphrase of Psalm 23:
The Good Shepherd on pp. 130 - 135
Just because I love videos here is one more slideshow of the 2013 GCPC Olympics
Such a fun time!!
You can also check out the video on the church website in a full screen version (scroll to the bottom of the page to view the link:
Grace Kids page
You can also check out the video on the church website in a full screen version (scroll to the bottom of the page to view the link:
Grace Kids page
A huge thank you to all the Sunday Community Teachers and the Grace Kids Worship Team. It's hard to believe that we only have 3 more weeks of Sunday Communities and Grace Kids Worship. I wanted to encourage you if you have kiddos who stay for Grace Kids Worship & the Sunday Community time to have them make a card to show their appreciation for the teachers who have cared for them all year.
Critters (2 and 3 year olds):
Ms. Tracy, Ms. Becky, Ms. Michelle, and Ms. Lori
Sprouts (Preschool):
Ms. Amy, Mr. Sean, Ms. Erin H. Mr. Eric
Explorers (Kindergarten - 1st grade)
Mr. Chris, Mr. Tim, Ms. Jennifer, and Ms. Deb
Seekers (2nd - 3rd grade)
Ms. Erin G., Ms. Beth, Mr. Brad, Mr. Mark
Adventurers (4th - 6th grade)
Ms. Heather, Ms. Debbie, Mr. Ross, and Mr. Rodney
Grace Kids Worship Team:
Mr. Randy, Mr. Rob, Mr. Abe, Mr. Joey, Mr. Mark
Children's worship continues throughout the summer. Beginning in September children will graduate into different classes.
- Children entering 5th grade will graduate from the Sermon Study and will stay in the service the entire time.
- Children entering 3rd grade will graduate from Children's Worship to the Sermon Study (offered for 3rd and 4th graders)
- Children entering Kindergarten will graduate from the Preschool Children's worship class to the Elementary Children's worship class
- Children who will be 4 by Summer of 2014 will graduate from nursery and will enter Children's Worship.