Check out the Scoop for the Memory Verses for this month: Nov/Dec Newsletter
Memory Verse for Explorers (Kindergarten - 1st Grade)
Missions project for children: Visit the following link to Sign Up Genius if you are interested in contributing to Operation Christmas Child: sign up genius-operation Christmas child. One thing not indicated on the sign up list is the donation for shipping cost. If you are interested in donating please make a check out to Samaritan's Purse for $7.00 with OCC in the memo line. I will be collecting donations this coming Sunday, November 11th.
Resource Table
Don't forget to check out the Resource Table as you enter church. There are a ton of books and cds available. The Snazzy CD is available for $10. The Bible Book Bop is one of the songs on this cd. During Grace Kids Worship time, the children have been singing the Bible Book Bop to help with learning the books of the Bible in order. There are several other fun songs on the cd. Trust family listens to this cd over and over and over!!!
Children's Worship
Catechism Questions: This coming week the PRESCHOOL Class will have an opportunity to answer catechism questions. It is helpful if you could work with your child on reviewing/learning one or two catechism answers.
Abdias (Compassion International): A letter will be sent next week to Abdias. If your child would like to draw a picture for Abdias or include a photograph please provide that to me on November 11th. Other items that work well to send are bookmarks or stickers. I also encourage you to check out the Compassion website at
to learn more about other children that need sponsored.
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