Back to School Ice cream Sundae and Outdoor Movie Night
Friday, September 4th
Brad and Julie Best's home
Make your own ice cream sundaes and then outdoor movie.
7:30 - Ice cream Sundaes
8:00 Outdoor Movie: Please bring a lawn chair or blanket.
We will be watching: Yogi Bear - Life's a pic-a-nic
RSVP to Julie Best at - Feel free to invite your friends!
Sunday Communities start SOON!!!
Sunday Communities and Grace Kids Worship begin on September 13th.
Children will move into their new classes.
Based on age/grade children will move classes.
1) Moving from Nursery to Children's Worship (Children who will be 4 by summer 2016)
2) Children's Worship classes will be change based on school grade.
(4 year olds - Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st, 2nd and 3rd)
3) Moving from Children's Worship to Sermon Study. (4th and 5th Graders)
4) Moving from Grace Kids to Youth! (6th grade)
Big Day!!
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