Children's Worship
This past Sunday the PRESCHOOL class had an opportunity to answer catechism questions. They are doing a great job!! Their lesson this past week was on catechism question 10. Kristine talked to the children about how God is always with us. They talked about how God promises to be with us wherever we go and God always keeps His promises. The Elementary class reviewed all the catechism questions from 1 - 57 playing Crowd the Square game. During the lesson they talked about how the Holy Spirit sanctifies us. We discussed the following ways we can be more like Jesus: kind, truthful, obey, and forgive.
Sunday Communities
All classes had an opportunity to say their memory verses. New memory verses for November and December can be found at the following link: The Scoop
A copy of The Scoop will be handed out this coming Sunday.
Sprouts (Preschool Class)
The Preschool Class started a curriculum on Psalm 23: The Lord is My Shepherd
Over the next several months the children will be working on memorizing Psalm 23 (King James Version). We have a curriculum we are using along with a book by David and Helen Haidle. This book takes each sentence of the Psalm and illustrates it. The lesson this week was an introductory lesson for the children - the Shepherd knows you was the theme. The teachers discussed who are the "sheep"? Pictures of each child were added to a sheet with a shepherd and other sheep. "We are ...the sheep of (God's) pasture." Psalm 100.3 Children will have booklets they are working on during Sunday Communities. These booklets will stay at church. Occasionally during the weeks ahead there will be some take home activities for the children.
Explorers (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
The lesson this week was about obeying God rather than men. The Bible story used to teach this lesson was the Apostles delivered from prison (Acts 5:12-42)
Aim: We have a guardian angel that looks after us.
Seekers (2nd & 3rd Grade)
The lesson today was on Matthew 8:23-27 - Jesus Controls the Weather
"Jesus miracle here makes very clear that Jesus' ministry is a redemptive event, following the pattern of these other big redemptive events in the Old Testament. The miracle also sets Jesus apart as one who truly has the right to be heard: he does things that only God can be said to do." (Telling God's Story by Peter Enns pg 28-29)
Adventurers (4th - 6th Grade)
The lesson today was Jesus: Lamb of God
Themes: Jesus offered Himself as the one perfect sacrifice for sin & Jesus' death fulfilled the Old Testament promises.
Application suggestion for home: "Read Isaiah 53:3-6 and have a time of prayer, giving thanks for the wonder of Jesus coming to be the perfect sin bearer so we might have our sins taken away." In the Beginning Jesus by Jill Nelson pg. 292
Sermon Study
We will not offer a sermon study class this week, but sermon guides will be available at the Welcome table for 3rd - 5th graders. The sermon study class is not offered the first Sunday of the month. This allows the children to stay in the service and observe Communion/participate for our newest members.