This past week the Elementary children had a chance to answer catechism questions. On Sunday, Oct. 14th we will start with the Preschool Class. Please remember they are asked questions based on where they are at individually in their Catechism booklets. We keep track of their questions during children's worship and send home a slip with the week their class has an opportunity to say the answers. Please check with your child following children's worship for the Catechism slip.
***Please note - Our youngest group of kiddos in children's worship will be repeating these lessons next fall. It is very important to let them work at their own pace in learning the catechism answers. I wanted to make sure and let you know the lessons will move along quickly but they are NOT expected to keep up with the pace of the lessons. ***
Summary of lessons from October 7th
***Please note - Our youngest group of kiddos in children's worship will be repeating these lessons next fall. It is very important to let them work at their own pace in learning the catechism answers. I wanted to make sure and let you know the lessons will move along quickly but they are NOT expected to keep up with the pace of the lessons. ***
Summary of lessons from October 7th
Preschool Lesson - Children were instructed on questions 7 - 8
Children pretended they were boats on the sea and participated in this rhyme:
I am a rowboat on a calm sea.
Small, soft waves are rocking on me.
Rock, rock, rocking gently.
I am a rowboat on a stormy sea.
Great big waves are rocking me.
Rock, rock, rocking fiercely!
Rock, rock, rocking fiercely!
Matthew 14:26-27
The Trinity was discussed with the children - During the lesson the following was discussed: "The three Persons of the Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - all work together to love us and take care of us, just like Jesus took care of his disciples that night on the sea. " (Kids Quest Catechism Club - Volume 1: pages 57 & 58)
Elementary Lesson - Children were instructed on questions 49 - 54
The children were shown a picture that went over the following words and their meanings: Grace, Regeneration, Atonement, Justification, Sanctification - You can further reinforce the meanings by reviewing the catechism questions with your children on questions 49-54.
Mr. Ross also went over the following acrostic poem for GRACE (God's Riches At Christ's Expense). The following was used to help explain the acrostic to the children:
"This is another way to remember what the word grace means: God's riches at Christ's expense. God's riches means God's blessings to his people. God is the King of earth and heaven. He owns it all. Nobody on earth is as rich as God, and he shares his riches with his people. His greatest blessing is a gift that all the money in the world cannot buy - the gift of salvation. When he gives us salvation, he adopts us as his children and promises that we will live with him forever in heaven. The last part of the acrostic is Christ's expense. Christ's expense means that Christ paid the price - he bought God's riches for us. "God's riches at Christ's expense." That is grace. "(Kids' Quest Catechism Club Elementary - Volume 1 pg. 98)
The children were shown a picture that went over the following words and their meanings: Grace, Regeneration, Atonement, Justification, Sanctification - You can further reinforce the meanings by reviewing the catechism questions with your children on questions 49-54.
Mr. Ross also went over the following acrostic poem for GRACE (God's Riches At Christ's Expense). The following was used to help explain the acrostic to the children:
"This is another way to remember what the word grace means: God's riches at Christ's expense. God's riches means God's blessings to his people. God is the King of earth and heaven. He owns it all. Nobody on earth is as rich as God, and he shares his riches with his people. His greatest blessing is a gift that all the money in the world cannot buy - the gift of salvation. When he gives us salvation, he adopts us as his children and promises that we will live with him forever in heaven. The last part of the acrostic is Christ's expense. Christ's expense means that Christ paid the price - he bought God's riches for us. "God's riches at Christ's expense." That is grace. "(Kids' Quest Catechism Club Elementary - Volume 1 pg. 98)
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